

The inspiration for this design, came from the experience of moving houses frequently throughout my life. This adaptable shelving modules system solves the annoying problem of never having your existing furniture fit quite the way you like it, in your new environment.

The combinations of modules are adaptable to fit ever-changing surroundings and accommodate even the oddest nooks and crannies, like inconvenient wall elements, alcoves, and awkward corners. Place it against a wall, or alone in the middle of a space. You can play around with the composition to suit different needs, or combine multiple sets together. Even very small adjustments down to the millimetre can be made, because of the flexibility the clamping connection provides. Adjustments can be done by sliding the modules into the desired position and then turning a hex key to clamp them together.

Each set consists of 6 modules, made out of wax-coated high quality birch plywood frames and are connected by aluminium bushing. By making each module smaller than the other, the frames fit into each other. Because of this, hardly any wood is wasted in the milling process. This, together with its versatility, ease of storage and transport, make this design a more sustainable alternative than most modern-day furniture.